

Homeopathy Year 3
Higher Diploma (Part 1) Course
Part 1 of our Higher Diploma distance learning Homeopathy Course is designed to take your study to professional level. Here we have a step from theory into practice and students are introduced to the latest advances in homeopathy while at the same time developing themselves as practitioners through continued clinical studies.
Units: 15-20
Study Hours: 800-900
Credits: 90
Time: Estimated 1 Year (timing up to you)
Enrolment period: 2 Years (with option to extend)
Books: Booklist Three is recommended for Units 15-20
Certification: Homeopathy Higher Diploma (Part 1)
Study options: Correspondence (paper) or e-learning (online). UK students transfer to attendance.
In particular we look at the discipline known as the Sensation Method, which has become popular across the world for its usefulness in understanding the deeper levels of the patient’s disease. You will be introduced to the concept of the Vital Sensation and how to recognise it in a patient’s presentation and expression. You will be introduced to an understanding of the Kingdoms by which the homeopathic Materia Medica is classified and by which patients may be grouped. Your application of miasm theory will be greatly developed. You will learn about the classification of elements, how they form compounds and how this understanding opens new therapeutic doorways. One of the most important aspects of year three is the self-reflective journey of Supervision. You are now beginning to receive your own cases but under the wing of your supervisor and the School.
Book List Three complements this course. Alongside Part 1 of the Higher Diploma Course (if you wish to certificate as with the Practitioner Advanced Diploma) you will also be required to start Clinical Observation and Clinical Supervision. Clinical Observation is provided via video cases throughout the course, community clinic and Summer Schools arranged by the School. Students are invited to work with our network of supervisors.
Clinical Observation
On the attendance course clinical training is provided in our on-site low cost community clinic. On the home study program clinical training is gained through 7-day intensive summer schools and workshops. Each student, whether home study or attendance, must gain a minimum of 100 clinical observation hours. Through live clinics and video cases students gain the expertise and confidence to work on a wide range of cases. Clinical training is a fundamental aspect of the course where students put theory into practice and see cases first hand.
Clinical Supervision
Supervision is a key part of the final years of our homeopathy courses if you wish to graduate at Advanced Practitioner Level. During year 3 of the course you will have the option of working with a supervisor. Your supervisor will be a fully trained homeopath who will work along side you during your case receiving. You will discuss all aspects of your cases and practice with them and they will help you to develop your competence as a homeopath as well as ensure your prescriptions. Supervision is essential to becoming a competent, confident, creative and compassionate homeopath.
Please note that clinical supervision is an additional cost. Fees are payable to The School at the time of starting. You also pay your Supervisor for their time - this will vary depending on who you choose to work with and the level of support you require (budget £30-60 per hour). However, you will also be asking your patients to make a contribution towards your supervision fees - so you should be able to re-coup quite a bit of this expense.
NUS Cards
As a registered member of the National Union of Students, UK students who enrol on this course can apply for a Totum card. This provides discounts for many things such as travel, food shopping, electrical goods, cinema tickets, fashion etc. Just ask about this when you enrol with us and we can send you the details.
The homeopathy home study course was the first ever distance learning course to achieve The Society of Homeopaths 'full recognition' status in 2018 and 'conditional recognition' status from 2014. Recognition of our home study programme is a true mark of quality and demonstrates that no matter which study method students choose they are assured of the same high quality programme. The Society of Homeopaths is the largest organisation registering professional homeopaths in the UK. Established in 1978, they are also the longest standing body representing homeopaths.
Prices & enrol online

Homeopathy Yr 3 Higher Diploma (Part 1) Course Units 15-20
Price includes:
Homeopathy course study guide
Units 15-20
Movie lectures
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
Tutor group meetings
2 year study period (can be done in 12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist 3 recommended)