
Homeopathy Year 4
Higher Diploma (Part 2) Course
Part 2 of our Higher Diploma home study Homeopathy Course is for anyone interested in becoming a professional homeopath. Our highly regarded programme instills the expertise and knowledge to become a confident and successful homeopath. Study from home via our online learning system or correspondence.
Units: 21-26
Study Hours: 800-900
Credits: 90
Time: Estimated 1 Year (timing up to you)
Enrolment period: 2 Years (with option to extend)
Books: Booklist Four is recommended for Units 15-20
Certification: Homeopathy Higher Diploma (Part 2)
Study options: Correspondence (paper) or e-learning (online). UK students transfer to attendance.
During this distance learning course we continue to develop and consolidate all the techniques and tools learnt throughout, with an emphasis on becoming a well-rounded and competent practitioner, able to prescribe confidently and support the patient with effective case-management. Various approaches are built on and added to so you have more tools to help you analyse the case, such as group classification with the further study of the plant and animal kingdoms and a detailed look at integrating approaches to case analysis. We encourage the use of creative ideas such as these as they often tell us as much about ourselves as they do the subject being studied.
The home study course also includes studies on setting up in practice and the development of your practice (your business). Learn how to utilise your own unique skills, personality and aspirations in designing a sustainable practice that will nurture you as a practitioner and support your patients towards health.
Book List Four complements this course. Alongside Part 2 of the Higher Diploma Course (if you wish to certificate as with the Practitioner Advanced Diploma) you will also be required to continue with, and complete, Clinical Observation and Clinical Supervision.
Practitioner Advanced Diploma
Clinical Observation and Clinical Supervision are the crucial aspects of the Practitioner Advanced Diploma and your development as a homeopath. Without these you may only qualify to Higher Diploma Level from your academic studies. You will not have the practical aspects of the training and will not graduate as a homeopath. Under supervision you take 30 cases (at least ten cases with follow-ups each over a period of at least 18 months). During this time you work closely with your supervising practitioner. You and your supervisor will undertake a thorough and progressive evaluation of your skills, an important part of which will be your own reflection of what is being learned from each case-taking and about your practice. These cases, their follow-ups and ongoing prescriptions will be assessed regularly and then again as a complete case portfolio at the end of your study. By demonstrating professional competence and appropriate academic standards you will complete the School’s highest award the Practitioner Advanced Diploma.
All students attend a minimum of 100 hours clinical observation through direct learning. Clinics keep you in touch with the newest case analysis techniques and up-to-date practise information. Teachers facilitate students as they progress towards autonomy and confidence in practise.
Australian students attend 40 hours of 'AROH approved' face-to-face clinical sessions in Australia. Over the duration of the full programme Australian students attend 120 hours of direct learning for registration with AROH or ATMS.
All other international students attend a 7-Day Summer School in May/June at the School of Homeopathy in the UK. Over the duration of the full programme international students attend a minimum of two 7-Day Summer Schools ensuring the required 100 clinical hours of direct learning.
All home study students are welcome to join attendance course School weekend sessions by prior arrangement.
Certification: The Higher Diploma (Part 2) is awarded after successful completion of the Foundation Course the Introduction into Practice Diploma, the Higher Diploma(Part 1), A&P, P&D, Units 22-26.
For some this is a good break-off point if you do not wish to complete the clinical training. However the Higher Diploma does not confer a license to practise.
Advanced Practitioners Diploma
The Advanced Practitioners Diploma is awarded after successfully completing all theoretical aspects of the course (The Higher Diploma Unit 1-26, A&P and P&D), the Clinical Observation and Clinical Supervision.
NUS Cards
As a registered member of the National Union of Students, UK students who enrol on this course can apply for a Totum card. This provides discounts for many things such as travel, food shopping, electrical goods, cinema tickets, fashion etc. Just ask about this when you enrol with us and we can send you the details.
The homeopathy home study course was the first ever distance learning course to achieve The Society of Homeopaths 'full recognition' status in 2018 and 'conditional recognition' status from 2014. Recognition of our home study programme is a true mark of quality and demonstrates that no matter which study method students choose they are assured of the same high quality programme. The Society of Homeopaths is the largest organisation registering professional homeopaths in the UK. Established in 1978, they are also the longest standing body representing homeopaths.
Prices & enrol online
Homeopathy Yr 4 Higher Diploma (Part 2) Course Units 21-26
Price includes:
Homeopathy course study guide
Units 21-26
Movie lectures
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
Tutor group meetings
2 year study period (can be done in 12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist 4 recommended)